Kukkiwon Kup Prüfung
As an Advent event, we are holding a Kukkiwon Kup test today. As we are also going to the famous Christmas training weekend in Bad Düben, the number of candidates was small today.
My dear trainer 단 Sarah and I look at the candidates very carefully. They were all able to convince us and took their new belts home with them.
Congratulations to you all!
사범님 Enrico DICKERT
관장 디커트엔리코
한국 함부르크 태권도장
2024년 11월 2일
Niedersachsen Trophy 2024
Today we participated to the Niedersachsen Trophy 2024. Three player was on the turnament and tried their best to bring us honer.
It was a long day for all of them. The start in the morning was around 5 a.m. and all were back at home around 10 p.m.
In the end Leo and Nicolai reached the 1st place and Lars adchieved the 3rd place.
In addition our family member Alex was successfully do his last practical exam to get the referee lisence. He is the 1st Taekwondo Referee from the sport club of Poppenbüttel.
Congratulations to all of you!
사범님 Enrico DICKERT
관장 디커트엔리코
한국 함부르크 태권도장
2024년 8월 218일
We mourn the loss of Aishu!
Deep sadness lies over our HAN KOOK Family.
On August 8, our sports friend Aishwarya “Aishu” VIVEK lost her life in a swimming accident on the Elbe.
There are people who enter our lives and accompany us for a while.
Some stay forever, because they leave a mark in our hearts!
Aishu was a very special person and she will leave a mark in all our hearts.
Our sympathies are with her parents and siblings.
2024년 6월 28일
Alstertalvergnügen 2024
This Saturday (June 29th) the "Alstertalvergnügen" will take place again. This is a wonderful festival organized by the Poppenbüttel sports club (SCP). As you can see in the picture, there are lots of activities for the whole family.
We as the Taekwondo & Haidong Gumdo department of the sports club will also be there. We will be showing our sport in a special participation zone and also as show act on the stage.
So it would be a pleasure to see you all there.
사범님 Enrico DICKERT
관장 디커트엔리코
한국 함부르크 태권도장
2024년 6월 1일
open TVSH local championship 2024 at Kaltenkirchen
This is a beautiful sunny Saturday but also a tournament day. The open TVSH local championships 2024 took place at Kaltenkirchen.
A team from our selection of fighters also took part and did their best to hold their own against their opponents on the mat.
And the result is something to be proud of ...
1st Place for Dunja, Fabi & Max
2nd Place for Bahar ... and
3rd Place for Elias & Parwana.
Thank you very much for your commitment and the honor you have given our Dojang.
Congratulations for the great success!
사범님 Enrico DICKERT
관장 디커트엔리코
한국 함부르크 태권도장
2024년 5월 18일
Cherusker Open 2024 in Georgsmarienhütte
This beautiful long Whitsun weekend was also a tournament weekend. The Cherusker Open 2024 took place in Georgsmarienhütte.
A team from our fighter selection also took part and faced their opponents on the mat.
At the end of the tournament, we were able to record a 1st place, 4 times a 2nd place and 4 times a 3rd place for the Dojang.
Thank you very much for your commitment and the honor you have given our Dojang.
Congratulations for the great success!
사범님 Enrico DICKERT
관장 디커트엔리코
한국 함부르크 태권도장
2024년 5월 8일
HAN KOOK Family Mudo Seminar 2024
After weeks of organization, our seminar for 2024 was history in just a few hours.
It was a great seminar and it was also super nice to have you all with us. It's great when the HAN KOOK FAMILY meets up and trains together.
We were particularly pleased to welcome the HAN KOOK FAMILY Dojang from Bad Kreuznach and Bad Düben, who had come a long way to join us. Nice that you were there.
And a special thank you to our esteemed grandmaster CHAE Seung-Eun, who also made the journey from Eschweiler to make this great weekend for us.
We hope to see you all again next year.
The final part of each seminar is the KUP exam. I am very happy that all participants were able to receive a new belt this year.
사범님 Enrico DICKERT
관장 디커트엔리코
한국 함부르크 태권도장